Hangout with Evan: We Lack a Common Language to Hold Us Together

March 21, 2018 at 2PM CST

In our last hangout, Evan Francen established that the information security industry is broken. Underlying this brokenness is that we don't speak the same language. Within the industry, we haven't settled on the language that will enable us to communicate with each other, leading to assumptions, misconceptions, and poor decision-making. 

We challenge you to define information security. How about risk? If we can't define the threat then how can we devise the solution? Please join us for this month's online hangout to discuss the importance of a common language in the information security industry. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions, provide commentary and share your counter arguments in real time. 

We look forward to seeing you there.

Presented By:
Evan Francen, CEO and Founder – FRSecure

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